Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Yet another rainy (and snowy) day today.  So, we spent some time coloring.  It's fun to see how good Peyton is getting with coloring and writing.  It's weird to see that he's a lefty!  When he started school in September he would switch hands back and forth when coloring.  But just in the past month or so, I don't think I've seen him use his right hand at all.  I think it's kinda cool.  We always suspected that he might be a lefty.  He has always been stronger with his left... mainly when it comes to sporting activities.  But I think now, he's pretty set in his ways with it.  It makes things interesting though.  Today when we were coloring together I had to move to his right side because we kept bumping hands.  Helping him write is difficult.  Luckily people don't expect a 3 year olds writing to look nice :)  Who knows, maybe I'll be come ambidextrous :)  
On a different note, Peyton had his 3 year check up today.  It's always fun for me to go to these appointments.  One reason is because our doctor is really nice and fun to talk to.  Another reason is I (like I'm sure most parents) like to see how Peyton is growing.  And surprise, surprise, Peyton is tall and skinny!  (Wonder were he gets that from... His dad who's 6'6" maybe??!)  I already have trouble finding him pants... Not looking forward to that when they stop putting the adjustable elastic in jeans.  But he's staying on his growth curve and is a pretty healthy little guy.  It's still hard for me to believe he's 3 and not a little baby anymore.  (Don't call him a baby... He is a big boy.  Just ask.)  

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