Today was a day I was a little worried I wouldn't have anything to post about. But have no fear, I remembered I took this picture...
Peyton has 4 piggy banks at home and 2 at Nana & Papa's house. He LOVES to put pennies (or whatever he can get people to give him) in his banks. What happened here was Peyton dropped one of his piggys. It broke :( So he's moving them into an new banks. Kept him occupied for a good chunk of time!
Today we ventured to Nana & Papa's house. I was pretty bummed because I wanted to take a picture of Peyton in the van on the way there. He has a pretty nice ride! Pillows, toys, books, DVD player, headphones. So next time we go, I'll make sure to get a picture :)
The picture I did get was of a first for Peyton. His first time sleeping on his awesome "ChowPow" air mattress. He was so excited! And did a good job (this was his first time not sleeping in crib or pack and play). He did fall off in the middle of the night. At least is wasn't too far of a fall :P
All I can say about today is EMILY STEFFEN! Emily is one of my oldest friends and an amazing photographer. Today we went out to the state park and Emily took some awesome pictures of Peyton. Here are a few of my favorites...

Oh! After pictures we had to go to Culver's to get ice cream. It was a reward for good behavior! (Putting it that way doesn't make it sound like I bribed him!)
Peyton was a little spoiled today with ANOTHER birthday party. I'm a little concerned he's going to think it's always his birthday. But we had to have a party with family and friends in Hudson. Peyton had a great time playing outside with cousins and eating frosting... I mean cake :)
My picture for today doesn't have to do with what happened. Today we had to say goodbye to a friend. Mickey the Frog died. It's really hard to explain to a 3 year old what happened and why you need to say goodbye, but he was very good about it. He said goodbye and helped me flush him. He was definitely sad about it, but we still have Minnie Frog. So that helps.
The picture I have for today is of the cool sunset. I can't pass up a picture of a beautiful sunset.
For his birthday Peyton got a CARS car wash type toy. You are suppose to use the special cars that change color with warm water. It's fun, but boy what a mess! However, watching Peyton play with this made me think back to when I was lucky enough to be able to put water in my Barbie swimming pool! Yeah, it was fun to pretend there was water, but it was so much better when there was actual water! So even though it made a mess it was just water. And we've now made a deal... this is an outside toy!
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